Mobile Apps 4 Africa Exit Reader Mode


The SmartAds CMS module will display targeted full-screen in-app ads to your app users. 

The uses for this module are quite varied. For example, when publishing a new App, version users don’t always update it from the stores and the new features will not work. 

With this module, you can force users to update to the latest release by providing a link to the App store and preventing them from continuing. Also, you can use an Ad to explain how a new feature works or communicate a Happy Hour promotion. You’ll be able to create text ads directly on the Editor or upload image Ads.


release 1.3, November 30

Campaign Analytics
Ability to control action button height on the ad

release 1.2, October 25

Added in-App links
Full support for slider ads

update 1.07, August 31

Added Frequency Cap

Coming next

Target user based on gender and age
Campaign Analytics
Ability to control the button’s placement on the screen
Support landscape Ads
Ability to select the page where the ad will be displayed

App user interface

App manager front-end interface





Module Subscriptions

Submitting this form will activate the selected Module as a  monthly subscription @ R80,00.
